Good morning, everyone,
Given the current situation, I cannot set a next date for the magnetism workshop, it seems to me that Japan, but this is my own responsibility, will have to go through the confinement like all the other countries.
As I had talked about in the workshops this year 2020, is going to be a complete year different from all the ones we have known so far.
I also told you in the workshops that a change was coming.
I believe that this time has arrived and for a period of time that will be quite long.
We must make the most of this time that is offered to us, some people certainly don’t think so, yet it is a gift that is being given to us.
Take the time to meditate and do an introspective look at yourself.
We will have to think about the role we have to play here on this earth.
We will have to reflect on the actions that Man has taken over hundreds of years.
I believe that we should not be afraid of what is happening because fear creates chaos, weakens our immune defenses, and our energy bodies opening the door to all that could harm us.
I think you all received the anchor audio that I had channeled.
Today more than ever, it is essential to have a good anchorage.
Realise that today we have the chance to change our future and evolve.
Some will remain here, others will ascend, if we can call it that.
I will stay if you have any questions or suggestions.